A few weeks back, I was sprawling on the sofa and watching TV with a few colleagues. Since there was nothing interesting on TV, we ended up watching a chick flick. Of course, at the opportune moment, when everything was steadily going downhill, the hero makes this passionate appeal and swoops the woman off her feet to a rousing and lilting symphony of stringed instruments. They kiss, the crowd cheers and I just stared blankly at the screen, outraged.
" That does not happen in real life, whoever wrote that script is proof that love is not just blind, its dumb !! " I ranted at the screen. That was followed up by an expletive driven tirade about the banality of love and so on and so forth. My colleagues patiently listened to the outburst and gave into the occasional chuckle at my very vivid rant which i completed satisfactorily with another innuendo driven joke on lovers. Pleased with myself, I leaned back into the couch, having spewed all my vitriol at the notion of love.
Later in the night, the absence of an audience and the cold comfort of my bed got me thinking. When did I begin to hate love this much ?? How have I been so wronged by love ? And most importantly had the last year gone any differently would i have such a nihilistic approach to love ? I have always been a romantic at heart and my poems always flirted with love or the notion of love. How could I form such a poor picture of love and share it with the rest of the world ?
Just because things went horribly wrong for me, does not mean that I should take my frustration out on what gives so many people so much joy. If i wasn't in love, i wouldn't have taken the events of the last year so hard and if it wasn't for love, I wouldn't be back on my feet.I have always been a lover and i always will be a romantic at heart. I may not wind up with what i expect out of love but i vow not to insult it ever again. No more puns on the institution of marriage, the foundation of love and the joy of being in love. A bad experience does not give me such a license to sham lovers and love.
So tell me your tales, of passion and heart
Of love long lost with now a fresh start
Of young love and hot blood that should and must
Fill heaving bosoms and warm chests with love not lust
And I hope in each story, the lovers will find
A man or woman for the ties that bind
That ends it all with happiness joy and bliss
Through a magical journey that starts with a kiss
did she leave you for someone else? I, of course don't the what and how and why of it but if love is what it's all about then the heart chooses to fall in love sometimes unexpectedly even when he/she vehemently opposes the feeling. It hurts, it is an indignation, it is cruel, but love is all that and much more.
ReplyDeleteBTW have you noticed that your blog posts follow the eat,pray,love(from the book by Elizabeth Gilbert) sequence ? Was that conscious or was it a mere coincidence?
ReplyDeleteIt was by intent. I wanted it to be a trilogy of sorts. Good you picked that up. And regarding why my marriage feel apart...good question....maybe I will write about that too one day.